Quote of the Day:
"The move you’re most scared to make is the one that will change everything for you."
I’ve started making friends, setting boundaries, cooking, traveling, going to therapy, hitting the gym, reading, journaling, dancing, doing yoga, running, and opening up my heart to love—WHAAATT?! It’s been quite the 12 months.
I’m not claiming to be a master at any of these, but I’ve always loved the ritual of starting something new. Think of a shitty day you had where nothing went right, and then the next morning, after you’ve had time to sleep on it, you start a new day and everything feels just so much better. Well, just over a year ago, I started conceptualizing the “bad bitch policy”. I went from writing songs for others, desperately wanting to pursue a solo career to building this incredible community. And now I’m starting my first-ever blog… scary, considering I failed my way through English classes at school!
This journey has had its ups and downs, but I'm grateful to be able to start sharing it with you here. (We all know I’m not great at getting close and personal on camera.) There's so much we don’t know about each other, and it makes me feel disconnected, like I’m hiding something from you when there hasn’t really been a way for me to communicate what’s happening in my life. I also don’t know what you really care to know about me, so I’m excited to start hearing what you want to know. Let’s be friends. BB4L (Best Bitches for Life)!
Question for You:
What is the one thing you are hesitant to start? Why are you hesitant? What are the benefits of starting?
Here’s my answer: I was hesitant about sharing my life with you. I always want to be a vision of strength and positivity, especially with so much sadness in the world right now. But my life is as multifaceted as I am, and it’s only fair to show that even though I write powerful songs, I have moments of weakness too. The benefit of me connecting with you via this blog is that I won't feel like my personal life and my professional life are worlds apart. No more guilty feelings!
See you next time
Love ya,